Jessica Uys · Enneagram Facilitator · Leadership Coach

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10 little pieces of life advice


 I’ve been pondering life this week. What matters, what doesn’t, and what are the things I’ve learned lately I’d like to remember. Here are a few. I hope you find them useful:

1.    Connection and community matters. If you’re too holed up in your own world, something’s going to feel amiss. Similarly, if you’re spending too much time with people you don’t feel are “your” people, it may be time to find people who are. Thanks to the global interwebs, those people are findable, and virtual coffee dates  are actually a thing. 


2.    Spend more time listening to music that makes you feel good. In the car, on a commute, whilst you’re working, in the bath. Turn it up and let the frequency of beautiful music permeate through you. I really don’t know why we don’t do this more often.


3.    If you don’t like someone’s vibe, that’s enough of a reason not to have to choose to spend time with them or do business with them. You don’t have to explain it to yourself or anyone else. But you do have to trust it. The way you feel around someone is often enough data for solid decision-making.


4.    Channel your energy into something productive or something creative. Too many people are bored stiff with their daily lives and this only breeds anxiety, frustration, and shit-stirring. Find something you can sink your teeth into, whether it’s a new business idea or something crafty, just make sure that energy keeps moving.


5.    People’s reactivity and defensiveness seldom has anything to do with you. Yes, it’s hurtful and unpleasant when you feel under attack, but the very fact that they’re having an intense reaction is an indication that this runs deeper than you can imagine, and their belief systems are being rocked to the core. This is not about you.


6.    Stop being scared of food. There’s now evidence indicating that your immunity may be more connected to your internal environment (your neurochemistry) than your external one. So really, unless you have a real food allergy (which means anaphylactic shock and death), that banana is not poisonous is not going to kill you. 


7.    Learn to apologise. There’s something unexpectedly empowering about owning up to your wrong-doings and taking accountability for your actions. Know when it’s a case of “badly done” and commit to doing better next time.


8.    Not everything has to have a reason. Sometimes shit happens. We get ill and things don’t work out. There isn’t always a clear-cut reason or linear explanation and our need to understand is usually more about a need to control. The lesson here is in surrendering and letting go . Tough, I know. 


9.    Stop following people on social media if they make you feel bad about yourself – whether that’s through body image, shame for having a different point of view, comparison in how far you’ve got in your business or relentless negativity. Unless you’re using social media for growth, inspiration, learning and to help you move forward in your life, stop. It’s not serving you.  


10.  When in doubt, go outside and get some fresh air.