Find your Enneagram type
How to find your Enneagram type and begin the journey to personal growth
Sometimes reading all the books and watching all the YouTube videos doesn’t get you any closer to finding out your type. We often end up more confused than ever.
My Enneagram Typing Process can help:
Explore your Enneagram type, beyond the basics of an online report.
Gain insight into complexities of type, beyond basic behavioural descriptions and stereotypes
Learn practical growth tools and tips you can start applying straight away
How it works
Enneagram test via Integrative Enneagram (30 mins online):
I’ve found this to be the most accurate and the in-depth 20-page standard Enneagram report is a goldmine of insight
Your report isn’t the final say! By combining the findings of the report with a typing conversation, you’ll feel more confident about “landing” on your Enneagram home base
I use open-ended typing questions based on the Narrative Enneagram along with observation to identify subtle type nuances.
You walk away with:
A 20-page ieQ9 personalized Enneagram report
Clarity & insight into your:
Core Enneagram type
Enneagram subtype
Enneagram Tritype Archetype
A “what next?” action plan
How it works:
Book your 1:1 90-minute Enneagram Intensive & make payment ($200)
Look out for an email with the link to your ieQ9 Enneagram test (please check your spam/junk folder!)
You will receive your report immediately upon completion
Complete the self-reflection sheet ahead of our time together
South African? Contact me for “locals only” rates
Get in Touch
Get in touch to explore how I can support your individual and professional development.