Recommended Enneagram Resources
Leverage different personality types to improve communication, build better relationships and create a high-trust, high-performing team
The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery (Cron & Stabile)
The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to Greater Self-Knowledge (Beatrice Chestnut, PhD) - MY ENNEAGRAM BIBLE
The Essential Enneagram: the definitive personality test & self-discovery guide (David Daniels)
The Wisdom of the Enneagram: A complete guide to psychological and spiritual growth for the nine personality types (Don Riso & Russ Hudson)
Nine Lenses on the World: The Enneagram Perspective (Jerome Wagner, PhD)
The Sacred Enneagram (Christopher Heurtz)
The Enneagram of Belonging (Christopher Heurtz)
The Enneagram of Discernment (Drew Moser, PhD)
The Enneagram Symbol (Jennifer Joss, PhD)
The Spiritual Dimensions of the Enneagram (Sandra Maitri)
For Work:
The 9 Types of Leadership (Beatrice Chestnut, PhD)
The Enneagram Development Guide (Ginger Lapid Bogda, PhD)
The Enneagram in Love & Work: Understanding your intimate and business relationships (Helen Palmer)
Bringing out the Best in Everyone You Coach (Ginger Lapid Bogda, PhD)
For Relationships:
The Path Between Us: An Enneagram Journey to Healthy Relationships (Suzanne Stabile)
The Enneagram, Relationships and Intimacy (David Daniels, MD & Suzanne Dion)
The Enneagram in Love & Work: Understanding your intimate and business relationships (Helen Palmer)
Instagram Accounts
Don’t get overwhelmed and follow them all - pick a few and you’ll get a sense of the content quality (which also changes!)
Sleeping at Last
Do it for the Gram
Enneagram 2.0 with Beatrice Chestnut & Uranio Paes
The Enneagram Journey